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Upcoming Events
Council Meeting: ordinarily on 4th Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm
KofC Monthly Parish Rosary
• Rosary Night is the fourth Tuesday of every month, 7 PM.
• Voice your Petitions
• Meditate on each mystery and how it can relate in your life.
• Volunteers welcome to recite each decade
Gala at St Patrick's Seminary
Rick Jarrett is arranging a Knights table for the GALA over at St Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park for Sept 21, 2024. If you have any questions, please Contact Rick. If you attend, you will enjoy the evening. Please let Rick know if you plan to attend.

We kindly ask you to pray for vocations and the success of our mission.
Knights were once again part of Danville's annual
Independence Day Parade!

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